Travel in 2015

As 2015 draws to a close I wanted to summarise my travels of the last twelve months before embarking on planning the next twelve months!

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A super fast trip, and not my first to Amsterdam. It was 24 hours with great food, a walk through the red light district and tacky souvenirs.
A last minute trip to Gothenburg was a great weekend with shopping and a really good experience at Koka.
Three visits to Chicago this year- February, May and October. This city will always have a special place in my heart.
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Another quick, flying visit. Staying at the Melia hotel with lovely rooms and a great restaurant on Level 57.
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Somewhat grey and dreary but with some amazing food at The Studio and Host
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The best trip of 2015- definitely! We did so much in a really short amount of time.
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The most relaxing holiday of the year, without a doubt. Sunshine, reading and a private pool